Unicaf University in Malawi awards full Scholarships on World Teachers’ Day
Over 400 teachers from across Malawi attended the World Teachers’ Day event on October 25th. The day started with a ceremonial march from the Clock Tower in Blantyre to Mount Soche Hotel where the event took place. The theme of the 2022 World Teachers Day event was “Transformation of Education begins with Teachers.” Unicaf University welcomed the opportunity to participate in the World Teachers’ Day event.
This year’s guest of honour was the Deputy Minister of Education, Honourable Monica Chang’anamuno, M.P. In her opening remarks, the Honourable Deputy Minister praised the efforts of teachers who play a key role in addressing problems that befall the education sector, often in very difficult circumstances. She also stressed the need to appreciate teachers since they are the ones pushing the country forward in order to achieve its Malawi 2063 and SDG education goals, including to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
One of the highlights of the day was the Unicaf University World Teachers Day Scholarship Awards presented to 6 teachers by Unicaf University Vice-Chancellor, Dr Robert Ridley. In his address to the gathering, Dr Ridley, highlighted Unicaf University’s wide range of online programmes and generous scholarship offers. He stated that teachers are valued because, “a good teacher not only transmits knowledge to pupils, but also gives them encouragement and a sense of self-worth.”
He went on to say that, “through these awards, Unicaf University hopes to assist the winning teachers to further their own education and to further their ability to develop and improve their schools and the education system in Malawi.”
The proud beneficiaries of a 100% Unicaf Postgraduate Scholarship are as follows:
Mr Vincent Mpoto, Loyola Jesuit Secondary School, Kasungu
Ms Lydia Nkopoka Kalingo, Mulunguzi Secondary School, Zomba
Mr Wiscot Waliki, Chilimba Community Day Secondary School, Blantyre
Mr Hastings Skinner, Dzenje Community Day Secondary School, Mulanje
Mr Lonnex W Mtafya, St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School, Chitipa
Ms Nthope W Nawanja, Likuni Boys Secondary School, Lilongwe
We wish them all the very best in their future studies.