

Held annually on the 5th of October, in partnership with UNICEF, UNDP, the International Labour Organisation and Education International, World Teachers’ Day is commemorated across the globe to celebrate the work of dedicated educators striving for “inclusive and equitable quality education” and the promotion of “lifelong learning opportunities for all”, and to reflect on ways to counter remaining challenges of the teaching profession. This year’s theme, “Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession,” was chosen to reaffirm the value  of  the  teaching  mission, calling upon  governments to make teaching a profession of first choice for young people.

Unicaf University Malawi celebrated World Teachers Day with the award of six full scholarships to members of the teaching profession whose performance this year has been outstanding. This was an action of corporate social responsibility by UUM, an academic institution which acknowledges the importance of education in transforming and improving peoples’ lives and the importance of actively supporting the role of the teacher.

The official celebration for World Teachers Day took place on Friday, the 4th of October 2019, at the Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe. The gathering of more than 400 teachers graced with their presence the Malawi Minister for Education Science and Technology, the Hon. Dr. Susuwele Banda, the EU Ambassador, Her Excellency Sandra Paesen, the German Ambassador, His Excellency Juergen Borsch, UNICEF representative, Mr. Rudolf Schwenk, the Director of Teacher Education and Development Mr Mishek Muntali.

Unicaf University Malawi Deputy Vice Chancellor Dr. Robert Ridley thanked in his speech the Ministry of Education for the honour and privilege of including UUM in this year’s celebrations for World Teachers Day and stressed the importance of recognizing the efforts and the contribution of teachers to the development of the country, often under challenging conditions. In response, the Minister of Education thanked UUM for offering the scholarships and urged other private sector organisations to participate in such events in the future.

The teachers attending the ceremony were impressed by the great opportunity afforded to the winners of UUM’s full Master’s scholarships and said they felt motivated to work hard to improve their performance and win a similar award next year.

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