Unicaf University Malawi Rewards Academic Excellence
Unicaf University is committed to excellence in teaching, student achievement and satisfaction in a continually improving academic environment, and aims to attract students of high calibre to its ranks. To this end, Unicaf University Malawi has presented monetary prizes and guaranteed 90% scholarships to the 46 graduates who have won the BWAILA Secondary School Awards in different categories.
Speaking at the award ceremony on June 15th, the Pro Vice Chancellor of UUM Mr Buxton Mpando congratulated the award winners and said that the scholarships will make studying towards the Bachelor degree of their choice a lot more affordable.
Students, parents and teachers attending the event were impressed and grateful for the generosity exhibited by Unicaf University Malawi.
Mr Mpando described the two different modes of delivery at UUM, fully online, or blended learning, which combines online with classroom teaching at the state-of-the-art campus in Lilongwe. And he added “Unicaf University graduates, armed with cutting edge knowledge and tools, have a competitive advantage not only in the local job market, but in the global job market too.”
Unicaf University is registered with and approved by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) in Malawi and its programmes are internationally recognised through partnerships with established universities in the West, like the University of South Wales in the UK.
Finally, Mr Mpando invited all BWAILA Secondary School Award winners to visit the Unicaf University campus in Lilongwe, to see the state-of-the-art facilities and select the most suitable Bachelor degree programme for the career of their dreams.
For more information please call the Unicaf University campus in Lilongwe 01755333, or visit www.unicafuniversity.ac.mw